Welcome to Stock Analysis — a site that aims to be the internet's best source of free stock data and information for regular investors.
We want to make investing easy and accessible with data that is up-to-date and highly accurate.
Data accuracy
Ease of use
We have a small but highly efficient team. The five of us currently develop and manage the entire site and everything that comes with it.
Founder / CEO
Kris is a full-time investor and internet entrepreneur. He founded Stock Analysis in 2019 and also owns the investment company Skuggi Capital ehf. He has a Bachelor's degree in medicine from the University of Iceland. Kris Gunnars is a pen name, his full name is Kristjan Mar Gunnarsson.
Developer / Part-Owner
Orn is a professional programmer. He has a degree in computer science from the University of Reykjavik.
Head of Content / Part-Owner
Aubrey oversees content production for the site and sends our daily newsletter, Market Bullets. Prior to joining Stock Analysis, she was an editorial director at Healthline Media. She holds a Master of Technical and Professional Communication (MTPC) degree as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing and Communication.
Writer / Marketing
Lincoln is an investor and financial content writer. He has worked for financial advisors, institutional-level investors, and a publicly-traded fintech company. He holds degrees in finance, accounting, and economics.
Accounting Expert
Kendal has many years of experience working in accounting. She manages our IPO data and handles quality control for our stocks and ETFs.
Reach out to our customer support if you can't find the answers you are looking for.