Alpha Architect ETFs

Alpha Architect has 33 ETFs listed with a total of 8.87B in assets under management, which makes Alpha Architect the 32nd biggest ETF provider on the U.S. stock market. The funds have an average expense ratio of 0.45%.

Listed Funds
Total Assets
Average Assets
Average Cost
Dividend Yield
1Y Return

33 ETFs

Symbol Fund Name Assets Div. Yield Exp. Ratio Change 1Y
BOXXAlpha Architect 1-3 Month Box ETF3.73B-0.19%5.42%
BSVOEA Bridgeway Omni Small-Cap Value ETF1.41B1.32%0.47%18.39%
STRVStrive 500 ETF586.46M1.16%0.05%20.39%
QVALAlpha Architect US Quantitative Value ETF346.68M1.64%0.29%24.02%
DRLLStrive U.S. Energy ETF333.94M2.80%0.41%3.04%
BRNYBurney U.S. Factor Rotation ETF243.30M0.45%0.79%25.07%
QMOMAlpha Architect U.S. Quantitative Momentum ETF225.72M0.74%0.29%25.26%
CAOSAlpha Architect Tail Risk ETF196.91M-0.63%4.58%
BBLUEA Bridgeway Blue Chip ETF192.11M1.44%0.15%20.10%
ECMLEuclidean Fundamental Value ETF180.19M-0.95%18.27%
IVALAlpha Architect International Quantitative Value ETF149.17M6.28%0.39%-0.30%
GDMAGadsden Dynamic Multi-Asset ETF143.11M4.00%0.80%4.80%
BUXXStrive Enhanced Income Short Maturity ETF110.98M4.59%0.25%-
STXTStrive Total Return Bond ETF99.58M4.26%0.49%-
STXEStrive Emerging Markets Ex-China ETF95.53M1.04%0.32%9.09%
STXGStrive 1000 Growth ETF85.55M0.60%0.18%22.21%
SHOCStrive U.S. Semiconductor ETF85.01M0.45%0.40%31.56%
IMOMAlpha Architect International Quantitative Momentum ETF81.18M2.80%0.39%7.25%
AMIDArgent Mid Cap ETF64.23M0.37%0.52%22.92%
STXVStrive 1000 Value ETF51.71M2.22%0.18%12.33%
STXKStrive Small-Cap ETF51.30M1.26%0.18%13.09%
DSCFDiscipline Fund ETF42.66M2.48%0.39%3.54%
STXDStrive 1000 Dividend Growth ETF42.37M1.31%0.35%13.60%
AOTGAOT Growth and Innovation ETF39.57M-0.75%18.04%
ITANSparkline Intangible Value ETF37.10M1.05%0.50%15.07%
GFGFGuru Favorite Stocks ETF32.09M0.07%0.65%24.77%
VMOTAlpha Architect Value Momentum Trend ETF26.63M3.82%1.38%8.20%
FTWOStrive FAANG 2.0 ETF24.90M0.92%0.49%-
HIDEAlpha Architect High Inflation & Deflation ETF24.73M3.92%0.29%-2.61%
MOODRelative Sentiment Tactical Allocation ETF16.53M1.22%0.68%9.46%
STXMStrive Mid-Cap ETF10.27M-0.18%-
STXIStrive International Developed Markets ETF10.13M-0.29%-
DIVDAltrius Global Dividend ETF6.87M3.09%0.49%6.24%