Botswana Stock Exchange Stocks

A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Botswana Stock Exchange. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Botswanan pula (BWP).

18 Stocks

No. Symbol Company Name Market Cap Stock Price % Change Revenue
1ANGLAnglo American plc493.61B446.86-380.61B
2INVEInvestec Group79.77B105.07-34.32B
3FNBBFirst National Bank of Botswana Limited13.02B5.12-3.47B
4BIHLBotswana Insurance Holdings Limited6.42B22.55-2.92B
5ABBLAbsa Bank Botswana Limited5.97B7.01-2.17B
6SECHSechaba Brewery Holdings Limited3.54B32.02--
7LETSLetshego Africa Holdings Limited2.47B1.150-1.89B
8SCBBStandard Chartered Bank Botswana Limited2.07B7.01-1.09B
9RDCPRDC Properties Limited1.82B2.400-596.97M
10CHOBChobe Holdings Limited1.56B17.40-606.55M
11SEEDSeed Co International Limited1.38B3.500-1.66B
12TURNTurnstar Holdings Limited1.29B2.210-347.85M
13BTCLBotswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited1.11B1.060-1.44B
14CHOPChoppies Enterprises Limited958.71M0.530-8.48B
15PTPHPrimetime Property Holdings Limited425.56M1.610-227.00M
16SHUMShumba Energy Ltd270.98M0.900--
17TLOUTlou Energy Limited156.33M0.500--
18OCCLOlympia Capital Corporation Limited17.37M0.270-46.61M