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Botswana Stock Exchange Stocks A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Botswana Stock Exchange. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Botswanan pula (BWP).
No. Symbol Company Name Market Cap Stock Price % Change Revenue 1 ANGL Anglo American plc 493.61B 446.86 - 380.61B 2 INVE Investec Group 79.77B 105.07 - 34.32B 3 FNBB First National Bank of Botswana Limited 13.02B 5.12 - 3.47B 4 BIHL Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited 6.42B 22.55 - 2.92B 5 ABBL Absa Bank Botswana Limited 5.97B 7.01 - 2.17B 6 SECH Sechaba Brewery Holdings Limited 3.54B 32.02 - - 7 LETS Letshego Africa Holdings Limited 2.47B 1.150 - 1.89B 8 SCBB Standard Chartered Bank Botswana Limited 2.07B 7.01 - 1.09B 9 RDCP RDC Properties Limited 1.82B 2.400 - 596.97M 10 CHOB Chobe Holdings Limited 1.56B 17.40 - 606.55M 11 SEED Seed Co International Limited 1.38B 3.500 - 1.66B 12 TURN Turnstar Holdings Limited 1.29B 2.210 - 347.85M 13 BTCL Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited 1.11B 1.060 - 1.44B 14 CHOP Choppies Enterprises Limited 958.71M 0.530 - 8.48B 15 PTPH Primetime Property Holdings Limited 425.56M 1.610 - 227.00M 16 SHUM Shumba Energy Ltd 270.98M 0.900 - - 17 TLOU Tlou Energy Limited 156.33M 0.500 - - 18 OCCL Olympia Capital Corporation Limited 17.37M 0.270 - 46.61M