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Fukuoka Stock Exchange Stocks A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Fukuoka Stock Exchange (FKSE) in Japan. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Japanese yen (JPY).
No. Symbol Company Name Market Cap Stock Price % Change Revenue 1 9942 Joyfull Co., Ltd. 33.16B 1,070.00 0.28% 67.59B 2 9035 Daiichi Koutsu Sangyo Co.,Ltd. 26.71B 780.00 - 97.66B 3 6076 Amaze Co., Ltd. 22.01B 1,448.00 0.07% 18.03B 4 272A Green Cross Holdings Co., Ltd. 10.25B 1,136.00 -0.61% - 5 7441 Misumi Co., Ltd. 9.91B 1,735.00 1.17% 61.07B 6 9407 RKB Mainichi Holdings Corporation 9.86B 4,715.00 0.21% 23.86B 7 8398 The Chikuho Bank, Ltd. 8.35B 1,370.00 0.07% 17.23B 8 2919 Marutai Co.,Ltd. 7.93B 4,185.00 -0.36% 9.34B 9 8560 The Miyazaki Taiyo Bank, Ltd. 6.87B 1,300.00 -0.15% 14.10B 10 8554 The Minami-Nippon Bank,Ltd. 6.45B 854.00 -0.70% 15.78B 11 1771 Nippon Kanryu Industry Co., Ltd. 4.76B 960.00 -3.52% 17.14B 12 2058 Higashimaru Co.,Ltd. 4.07B 1,051.00 0.10% 14.27B 13 2974 DAIEISANGYO Co.,Ltd. 3.13B 945.00 - 34.36B 14 4827 Business One Holdings, Inc. 2.96B 721.00 -1.23% 15.47B 15 7894 Maruto Sangyo Co., Ltd. 2.90B 1,830.00 2.81% 17.45B 16 8559 The Howa Bank, Ltd. 2.81B 470.00 0.86% 8.22B 17 5953 Showa Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. 2.80B 3,400.00 3.82% 14.20B 18 1999 Saita Corporation 2.14B 3,330.00 -0.60% 6.10B 19 231A Cross E Holdings Corporation Limited 2.04B 821.00 -2.96% 4.01B 20 4018 Geolocation Technology, Inc. 1.39B 928.00 0.22% 688.00M 21 242A Repriority Corporation 1.28B 1,149.00 2.77% 2.70B 22 4995 Sankei Chemical Co., Ltd. 1.07B 1,200.00 - 6.05B 23 3047 Truck-One Co., Ltd. 786.84M 328.00 -1.20% 6.55B 24 4250 Frontier Inc. 693.91M 1,009.00 -0.10% 1.63B 25 3824 Media Five Co. 544.26M 582.00 -7.91% 1.82B