Mauritius Stock Exchange Stocks
A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on The Mauritius Stock Exchange. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Mauritian rupee (MUR).
88 Stocks
No. | Symbol | Company Name | Market Cap | Stock Price | % Change | Revenue |
1 | AEIB.N0004 | African Export-Import Bank | 286.75B | 2.800 | - | 53.84B |
2 | MCBG.N0000 | MCB Group Limited | 119.86B | 473.50 | - | 36.64B |
3 | PSGK.N0000 | PSG Financial Services Limited | 57.11B | 0.800 | - | 21.92B |
4 | CTEL.N0000 | Crytel Mauritius Limited | 30.97B | 5.90 | - | 141.63B |
5 | IBLL.N0000 | IBL Ltd | 25.85B | 38.00 | - | 112.64B |
6 | CIEL.N0000 | CIEL Limited | 16.77B | 9.90 | 2.91% | 36.24B |
7 | SBMH.N0000 | SBM Holdings Ltd | 15.39B | 5.92 | - | 15.95B |
8 | ARIN.N0000 | Arindo Holdings (Mauritius) Limited | 14.72B | 11.45 | - | 67.42B |
9 | CIM.N0000 | CIM Financial Services Ltd | 11.06B | 16.25 | 6.56% | 3.23B |
10 | SHEL.N0000 | Vivo Energy Mauritius Limited | 11.02B | 375.75 | 0.07% | 19.32B |
11 | ROGE.N0000 | Rogers and Company Limited | 10.76B | 42.70 | - | 14.15B |
12 | ENLG.N0000 | ENL Limited | 9.81B | 26.70 | - | 27.60B |
13 | MBL.N0000 | Phoenix Beverages Limited | 9.79B | 595.00 | - | 12.73B |
14 | ASCE.N0000 | Ascencia Limited | 9.50B | 19.50 | - | 1.94B |
15 | MSE.N0000 | Medine Limited | 8.74B | 83.25 | 0.24% | 5.31B |
16 | NMHL.N0000 | New Mauritius Hotels Limited | 7.47B | 13.60 | - | 16.66B |
17 | SUN.N0000 | Sun Limited | 7.27B | 41.70 | -0.60% | 5.68B |
18 | NRL.N0000 | Lux Island Resorts Ltd | 7.27B | 52.50 | -0.94% | 10.26B |
19 | BAYP.N0000 | Bayport Management Ltd | 5.84B | 4.470 | - | 6.01B |
20 | TERA.N0000 | Terra Mauricia Ltd | 5.35B | 23.50 | - | 9.62B |
21 | MASC.I0000 | C-Care (Mauritius) Limited | 4.70B | 8.24 | -1.90% | 3.92B |
22 | GCL.N0000 | Gamma-Civic Ltd | 4.52B | 33.95 | - | 7.98B |
23 | ALTG.N0000 | Alteo Limited | 4.36B | 13.70 | -0.36% | 4.33B |
24 | PAD.N0000 | Promotion and Development Ltd | 4.28B | 27.50 | - | 845.66M |
25 | ANGM.I0000 | Swan Life Ltd | 4.21B | 1,600.00 | - | 9.21B |
26 | KLOS.I0000 | Kolos Cement Ltd | 4.05B | 150.00 | - | 2.76B |
27 | UPL.N0000 | Universal Partners Limited | 3.85B | 0.900 | - | 20.61M |
28 | SWAN.N0000 | Swan General Ltd | 3.56B | 430.00 | - | 12.30B |
29 | MIWA.I0000 | Miwa Sugar Limited | 3.41B | 0.230 | - | - |
30 | MUAL.N0000 | MUA Ltd | 3.30B | 59.50 | - | 6.06B |
31 | DEL.C0000 | Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited | 2.70B | 8.40 | - | 3.65B |
32 | DEL.N0000 | Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited | 2.70B | 0.110 | - | 3.65B |
33 | AFRP.N0000 | Africure Pharmaceuticals Ltd | 2.66B | 6.06 | - | - |
34 | BMHL.N0000 | BMH Ltd | 2.55B | 31.00 | - | 6.58B |
35 | PHIN.I0000 | Phoenix Investment Company Limited | 2.47B | 435.25 | - | 12.73B |
36 | UTDL.N0000 | United Docks Ltd | 2.26B | 93.00 | - | 280.44M |
37 | UBP.N0000 | The United Basalt Products Limited | 2.17B | 82.00 | - | 6.97B |
38 | UNSE.I0000 | The Union Sugar Estates Company Limited | 2.04B | 107.00 | -0.93% | 111.46M |
39 | COVI.I0000 | Compagnie des Villages de Vacances de L'Isle de France Limitée | 2.04B | 30.00 | - | 424.87M |
40 | CHSL.I0000 | Constance Hotels Services Limited | 1.97B | 17.95 | - | 6.02B |
41 | TAD.N0000 | Tadvest Limited | 1.89B | 0.910 | - | 731.05M |
42 | FINC.N0000 | Fincorp Investment Ltd. | 1.86B | 18.00 | -4.00% | 428.64M |
43 | EUDC.I0000 | Excelsior United Development Companies Limited | 1.85B | 15.40 | - | 42.75M |
44 | LFL.I0000 | Livestock Feed Limited | 1.83B | 19.75 | - | 5.88B |
45 | LOTO.N0000 | Lottotech Ltd | 1.78B | 5.24 | - | 739.32M |
46 | APL.I0000 | Attitude Property Ltd | 1.69B | 10.55 | - | 206.06M |
47 | MFDG.I0000 | MFD Group Limited | 1.65B | 11.00 | - | 1.14B |
48 | ABCB.I0000 | ABC Banking Corporation Ltd | 1.56B | 20.50 | 2.50% | 816.82M |
49 | VELG.I0000 | Velogic Holding Company Limited | 1.38B | 14.75 | -0.34% | 3.96B |
50 | MTMD.N0000 | Omnicane Limited | 1.37B | 21.20 | - | 7.04B |
51 | TSAH.N0000 | Trans Switch Africa Holdings Ltd | 1.31B | 1.280 | - | 1.09B |
52 | ACES.N0000 | Africa Clean Energy Solutions Limited | 1.11B | 0.780 | - | 61.57M |
53 | LMLC.I0000 | Les Moulins de la Concorde Ltée | 1.03B | 95.00 | - | 3.27B |
54 | LAVA.I0000 | Lavastone Ltd | 1.02B | 1.520 | 1.33% | 415.62M |
55 | POL.N0000 | P.O.L.I.C.Y. Limited | 1.01B | 4.460 | 0.90% | 26.17M |
56 | HTLS.I0000 | Hotelest Limited | 936.71M | 16.75 | - | 6.02B |
57 | HWF.N0000 | Innodis Ltd | 936.62M | 25.15 | - | 6.23B |
58 | CIMO.I0000 | Compagnie Immobilière Limitée | 929.15M | 20.00 | - | 170.44M |
59 | ATIL.N0000 | Astoria Investments Ltd | 925.47M | 0.320 | - | 91.47M |
60 | MCOS.I0000 | Mauritius Cosmetics Limited | 845.00M | 16.90 | - | 566.40M |
61 | MOLI.I0000 | Morning Light Co Ltd | 827.31M | 18.00 | - | 597.51M |
62 | MDIT.N0000 | The Mauritius Development Investment Trust Company Limited | 804.44M | 1.960 | - | 277.31M |
63 | CSE.I0000 | Constance La Gaiete Company Limited | 744.00M | 155.00 | - | 582.71M |
64 | BLL.N0000 | BlueLife Limited | 716.06M | 0.620 | - | 1.56B |
65 | ABC.I0000 | ABC Motors Company Limited | 648.45M | 105.00 | - | 2.80B |
66 | GOLI.N0000 | Numeral Limited | 640.75M | 0.0100 | - | 633.36K |
67 | MOR.N0000 | Mauritius Oil Refineries Limited | 590.72M | 18.00 | 2.56% | 1.73B |
68 | UTIN.I0000 | United Investments Ltd | 589.68M | 3.200 | - | -12.11M |
69 | QBL.I0000 | Quality Beverages Limited | 496.38M | 14.90 | - | 3.00B |
70 | SCT.I0000 | Beau Vallon Hospitality Ltd | 491.81M | 2.800 | 3.70% | 1.13B |
71 | TPL.I0000 | Tropical Paradise Company Limited | 484.50M | 3.400 | - | 1.10B |
72 | SEMA.I0000 | Semaris Ltd | 433.70M | 0.760 | - | 909.38M |
73 | DCPL.N0000 | Agape Global Investments Limited | 394.39M | 1.350 | - | - |
74 | HPL.I0000 | Happy World Property Ltd | 360.00M | 9.00 | - | 104.67M |
75 | HML.N0000 | Harel Mallac & Co. Ltd | 303.44M | 26.95 | - | 4.06B |
76 | NITL.N0000 | National Investment Trust Ltd | 274.05M | 10.00 | - | 10.83M |
77 | OCEA.I0000 | Oceanarium (Mauritius) Ltd | 269.31M | 4.700 | - | 106.42M |
78 | ASL.N0000 | Automatic Systems Ltd | 265.13M | 75.00 | - | 274.72M |
79 | ACC.I0000 | Associated Commercial Company Limited | 245.17M | 214.50 | - | 488.54M |
80 | UBS.I0000 | United Bus Service Limited | 206.73M | 41.60 | - | - |
81 | CAVT.I0000 | Cavell Touristic Investments Ltd | 202.67M | 18.00 | - | - |
82 | RHT.I0000 | RHT Holding Ltd | 200.68M | 16.50 | - | 317.10M |
83 | MCFI.N0000 | The Mauritius Chemical and Fertilizer Industry Limited | 177.37M | 8.06 | - | 1.27B |
84 | PCCL.I0000 | Paper Converting Co. Ltd | 150.00M | 15.00 | - | 307.96M |
85 | GIL.I0000 | Les Gaz Industriels Limited | 130.57M | 52.75 | - | 160.30M |
86 | NOV.I0000 | Novus Properties Ltd | 117.12M | 8.50 | - | 17.23M |
87 | PIM.N0000 | PIM Limited | 90.00M | 45.00 | - | 374.88M |
88 | MSIL.I0000 | Mauritius Secondary Industries Limited | 28.00M | 35.00 | - | 11.79M |