Muscat Securities Market Stocks
A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Muscat Securities Market stock exchange in Oman. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Omani rial (OMR).
102 Stocks
No. | Symbol | Company Name | Market Cap | Stock Price | % Change | Revenue |
1 | BKMB | Bank Muscat SAOG | 1.94B | 0.254 | - | 478.30M |
2 | BKSB | Sohar International Bank SAOG | 899.95M | 0.135 | 3.85% | 207.09M |
3 | OTEL | Oman Telecommunications Company SAOG | 616.37M | 0.822 | -0.24% | 2.99B |
4 | OQGN | OQ Gas Networks SAOG | 562.98M | 0.130 | - | 158.01M |
5 | NBOB | National Bank of Oman SAOG | 455.26M | 0.290 | - | 137.19M |
6 | BKDB | Bank Dhofar SAOG | 452.45M | 0.151 | - | 129.04M |
7 | ABOB | Ahli Bank SAOG | 394.74M | 0.168 | - | 94.88M |
8 | OAB | Oman Arab Bank SAOG | 238.73M | 0.143 | - | 108.32M |
9 | BKNZ | Bank Nizwa SAOG | 225.93M | 0.101 | -0.98% | 49.71M |
10 | OMVS | Oman International Development and Investment Company SAOG | 223.90M | 0.334 | 3.73% | 466.83M |
11 | OCAI | Oman Cables Industry SAOG | 217.97M | 2.430 | - | 268.78M |
12 | ABRJ | Abraj Energy Services SAOG | 186.39M | 0.242 | - | 151.65M |
13 | OCOI | Oman Cement Company SAOG | 163.12M | 0.491 | 0.20% | 70.40M |
14 | ORDS | Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOG | 129.54M | 0.200 | - | 251.68M |
15 | LIVA | Liva Group SAOG | 127.48M | 0.320 | - | 341.91M |
16 | DIDI | Dhofar International Development & Investment Holding Company S.A.O.G | 98.22M | 0.240 | - | 1.76M |
17 | SSPW | Sembcorp Salalah Power & Water Company SAOG | 86.87M | 0.0930 | 3.33% | 82.52M |
18 | PHPC | Phoenix Power Company SAOG | 84.83M | 0.0580 | -1.69% | 167.79M |
19 | NFCI | National Finance Company SAOG | 77.45M | 0.128 | -3.76% | 28.65M |
20 | RNSS | Renaissance Services SAOG | 73.78M | 0.344 | -0.29% | 107.87M |
21 | OETI | Oman Education & Training Investment Company SAOG | 72.10M | 1.030 | - | 25.58M |
22 | MHAS | Al Maha Petroleum Products Marketing Company SAOG | 71.35M | 1.034 | - | 514.40M |
23 | SMNP | SMN Power Holding SAOG | 69.67M | 0.350 | -1.41% | 82.35M |
24 | OFMI | Oman Flour Mills Company SAOG | 68.36M | 0.434 | - | 136.57M |
25 | GECP | Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG | 64.69M | 0.562 | - | 286.99M |
26 | GECS | Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG | 64.69M | 0.0760 | -2.56% | 286.99M |
27 | SOMS | Shell Oman Marketing Company SAOG | 61.30M | 0.590 | - | 492.57M |
28 | AJSS | Al Jazeira Services Company SAOG | 50.72M | 0.180 | - | 10.76M |
29 | ORCI | Oman Refreshment Company SAOG | 50.00M | 1.000 | - | 63.34M |
30 | ATMI | Al Jazeera Steel Products Company SAOG | 48.71M | 0.383 | 3.51% | 146.69M |
31 | AOFS | Al Omaniya Financial Services SAOG | 48.57M | 0.154 | -1.28% | 16.86M |
32 | BWPC | Barka Water and Power Company SAOG | 47.36M | 0.296 | - | 25.67M |
33 | VOES | Voltamp Energy SAOG | 47.21M | 0.599 | -3.07% | 41.64M |
34 | OOMS | Oman Oil Marketing Company SAOG | 45.84M | 0.735 | 0.14% | 808.01M |
35 | SUWP | Al Suwadi Power Company SAOG | 45.72M | 0.0660 | - | 86.53M |
36 | SPFI | A'Saffa Foods SAOG | 45.60M | 0.380 | -2.06% | 63.75M |
37 | SPSI | Salalah Port Services Company SAOG | 45.32M | 0.252 | 0.80% | 69.98M |
38 | BATP | Al Batinah Power Company SAOG | 44.54M | 0.0670 | -1.47% | 79.53M |
39 | SFMI | Salalah Mills Company SAOG | 36.17M | 0.579 | - | 86.17M |
40 | OQIC | Oman Qatar Insurance Company SAOG | 34.98M | 0.217 | - | 72.66M |
41 | TFCI | Taageer Finance Company SAOG | 29.82M | 0.110 | - | 34.40M |
42 | ORIC | Oman Reinsurance Company SAOG | 28.12M | 0.0850 | - | 47.94M |
43 | AACT | Al Anwar Ceramic Tiles Company SAOG | 27.50M | 0.124 | -0.80% | 18.29M |
44 | OCHL | Oman Chlorine S.A.O.G. | 27.17M | 0.380 | - | 34.42M |
45 | DICS | Dhofar Insurance Company SAOG | 25.37M | 0.225 | - | 87.65M |
46 | AFAI | Al Fajar Al Alamia Company SAOG | 24.42M | 0.495 | - | 9.29M |
47 | OUIC | Oman United Insurance Company SAOG | 24.40M | 0.240 | - | 38.90M |
48 | SAHS | Sahara Hospitality Company SAOG | 22.19M | 2.800 | - | 13.33M |
49 | OIFC | Oman Investment & Finance Co. SAOG | 21.43M | 0.0820 | - | 28.88M |
50 | UFCI | United Finance Company SAOG | 21.01M | 0.0590 | -1.67% | 10.03M |
51 | RCCI | Raysut Cement Company SAOG | 20.00M | 0.100 | - | 70.24M |
52 | MSPW | Musandam Power Company SAOG | 19.01M | 0.269 | - | 18.47M |
53 | ONES | Oman National Engineering & Investment Company SAOG | 18.15M | 0.121 | - | 71.58M |
54 | GFIC | Global Financial Investments Holding SAOG | 17.80M | 0.0890 | 2.30% | 30.70M |
55 | DFIN | Dhofar Food & Investment SAOG | 15.02M | 0.0760 | - | 87.78M |
56 | NDTI | The National Detergent Company SAOG | 14.80M | 0.740 | - | 24.52M |
57 | MFCI | Muscat Finance SAOG | 14.74M | 0.0480 | - | 8.09M |
58 | AMAT | Al Madina Insurance Company SAOG | 14.70M | 0.0860 | - | 21.46M |
59 | AAIC | Al Anwar Investments SAOG | 14.43M | 0.0670 | - | 1.99M |
60 | DGEN | Dhofar Generating Company SAOG | 13.78M | 0.0640 | 1.59% | 59.51M |
61 | DTCS | Dhofar Tourism Company SAOG | 13.69M | 0.967 | - | 1.52M |
62 | SHRQ | Sharqiyah Desalination Company SAOG | 13.50M | 0.136 | - | 12.67M |
63 | GHOS | Gulf Hotels (Oman) Company Limited SAOG | 13.20M | 3.850 | - | 7.62M |
64 | AFIC | Arabia Falcon Insurance SAOG | 11.88M | 0.115 | - | 2.94M |
65 | TAOI | Takaful Oman Insurance SAOG | 11.25M | 0.0450 | - | 20.64M |
66 | GMPI | Gulf Mushroom Products Co. SAOG | 10.98M | 0.243 | - | 11.35M |
67 | MCDE | Muscat City Desalination Company SAOG | 10.11M | 0.0650 | -4.41% | 18.21M |
68 | OCCI | Oman Chromite Company SAOG | 9.90M | 3.150 | - | 4.91M |
69 | BACS | Majan College (University College) SAOG | 9.72M | 0.111 | - | 4.35M |
70 | BRDE | Barka Desalination Company SAOG | 9.44M | 0.125 | - | 19.93M |
71 | NRED | National Real Estate Development and Investments Company SAOG | 8.81M | 5.00 | - | - |
72 | OEIO | Oman & Emirates Investment Holding Company SAOG | 8.17M | 0.0680 | - | 2.43M |
73 | UBAR | Ubar Hotels & Resorts SAOG | 6.93M | 0.126 | - | 2.51M |
74 | AMCI | Al Maha Ceramics SAOG | 6.93M | 0.125 | -0.79% | 4.93M |
75 | SIHC | A'Sharqiya Investment Holding Co. (SAOG) | 6.75M | 0.0770 | - | 1.35M |
76 | NGCI | National Gas Company SAOG | 6.46M | 0.0750 | - | 83.90M |
77 | OFCI | Oman Fisheries Company SAOG | 5.83M | 0.0320 | - | 7.32M |
78 | OPCI | Omani Packaging Company SAOG | 5.35M | 0.165 | - | 9.96M |
79 | CMII | Construction Materials Industries SAOG | 5.00M | 0.0800 | -2.44% | 2.85M |
80 | GSCI | Gulf Stone Company SAOG | 4.36M | 0.218 | - | 1.83M |
81 | NBII | National Biscuit Industries Limited SAOG | 4.24M | 4.240 | - | 19.46M |
82 | DBCI | Dhofar Beverage and Food Stuff Company SAOG | 4.00M | 0.200 | - | 4.76M |
83 | AMII | Al Madina Investment Holding Co. SAOG | 4.00M | 0.0470 | - | -249.91K |
84 | OSCI | Sweets of Oman SAOG | 3.85M | 0.550 | - | 2.31M |
85 | SHPS | Sohar Power Company SAOG | 3.76M | 0.188 | - | - |
86 | HMCI | Hotels Management Company International SAOG | 3.75M | 1.250 | - | 7.86M |
87 | MCTI | Muscat Insurance Company SAOG | 3.53M | 0.320 | - | 23.08M |
88 | FINC | The Financial Corporation Company SAOG | 3.29M | 0.0470 | - | 683.42K |
89 | ABHS | Al Buraimi Hotel SAOG | 3.14M | 0.880 | - | 474.10K |
90 | FSCI | Financial Services Company SAOG | 3.14M | 0.157 | - | 450.05K |
91 | DBIH | Al Batinah Development and Investment Holding Co. SAOG | 2.70M | 0.0900 | - | 312.61K |
92 | MGMC | Muscat Gases Company SAOG | 2.70M | 0.0900 | - | 18.38M |
93 | CSII | Computer Stationery Industry SAOG | 2.60M | 0.260 | - | 1.63M |
94 | MTMI | Muscat Thread Mills SAOG | 2.46M | 0.151 | - | 4.28M |
95 | OEFI | Omani Euro Food Industries S.A.O.G. | 2.00M | 1.000 | - | 1.37M |
96 | GICI | Gulf International Chemicals SAOG | 1.58M | 0.0750 | -1.32% | 1.88M |
97 | HECI | Al Hassan Engineering Company SAOG | 1.50M | 0.0200 | - | 4.77M |
98 | NMWI | National Mineral Water Company SAOG | 1.24M | 0.0460 | - | 5.01M |
99 | OMCI | Oman Ceramics Company SAOG | 790.94K | 0.418 | - | 1.58M |
100 | MGCI | Majan Glass Company SAOG | 756.42K | 0.0180 | - | 9.83M |
101 | NAPI | National Aluminium Products Company SAOG | 342.86K | 0.0400 | - | 20.96M |
102 | ABMI | Abrasives Manufacturing Company SAOG | 50.00K | 0.0500 | - | - |