Palestine Stock Exchange Stocks
A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Palestine Stock Exchange. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Jordanian dinar (JOD).
24 Stocks
No. | Symbol | Company Name | Market Cap | Stock Price | % Change | Revenue |
1 | PALTEL | Palestine Telecommunications Company P.L.C | 539.66M | 4.100 | - | 241.13M |
2 | BOP | Bank of Palestine Plc | 291.78M | 1.580 | - | 76.64M |
3 | PADICO | Palestine Development & Investment Co. | 176.24M | 1.300 | - | 68.05M |
4 | APIC | Arab Palestinian Investment Company | 168.33M | 1.900 | - | 797.47M |
5 | OOREDOO | Wataniya Palestine Mobile Telecommunication - Public Shareholding Company | 153.92M | 0.740 | 2.78% | 77.29M |
6 | ARKAAN | Arkaan Real Estate P.L.C | 124.28M | 1.330 | - | 5.39M |
7 | TNB | The National Bank | 107.59M | 1.340 | -6.29% | 36.16M |
8 | BPC | Birzeit Pharmaceuticals Company | 101.88M | 3.700 | -2.63% | 26.88M |
9 | QUDS | Quds Bank Ltd. | 80.50M | 1.080 | 0.93% | 31.38M |
10 | ISBK | Palestine Islamic Bank | 80.09M | 1.130 | - | 31.19M |
11 | AIB | Arab Islamic Bank P.L.C. | 75.37M | 1.050 | - | 28.38M |
12 | PIBC | Palestine Investment Bank P.L.C. | 57.93M | 1.100 | - | 17.43M |
13 | JPH | Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. | 48.31M | 3.780 | 0.80% | 26.50M |
14 | AZIZA | Palestine Poultry Company L.T.D | 38.04M | 2.830 | - | 36.86M |
15 | NIC | National Insurance Company (Palestine) | 37.76M | 2.900 | - | 37.54M |
16 | SAFABANK | Safa Bank | 23.32M | 0.630 | 3.28% | - |
17 | PRICO | Palestine Real Estate Investment Limited | 18.49M | 0.290 | - | 3.55M |
18 | GUI | Global United Insurance Company | 16.75M | 2.040 | 4.62% | 34.70M |
19 | JCC | Jerusalem Cigarette Co. Ltd. | 12.81M | 1.500 | 2.74% | 64.66M |
20 | GMC | Golden Wheat Mills P.L.C | 11.85M | 0.790 | - | 13.66M |
21 | WASSEL | The Palestinian Company for Distribution & Logistics Services LLC | 8.96M | 0.970 | - | 8.76M |
22 | AIG | Ahlia Insurance Group Ltd. | 8.43M | 0.220 | 4.76% | 19.17M |
23 | UCI | Union Construction and Investment | 8.39M | 0.370 | - | 987.08K |
24 | NCI | The National Carton Industry P.L.C | 6.57M | 1.850 | 3.93% | 6.01M |