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Uganda Securities Exchange Stocks A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Uganda Securities Exchange. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Ugandan shilling (UGX).
No. Symbol Company Name Market Cap Stock Price % Change Revenue 1 MTNU MTN Uganda Limited 6,118.93B 273.30 0.57% 3,053.23B 2 EBL Equity Group Holdings Plc 5,218.70B 1,069.00 - 4,365.67B 3 EABL East African Breweries PLC 4,132.29B 4,053.00 - 3,580.96B 4 KCB KCB Group PLC 4,069.84B 1,503.12 - 4,455.02B 5 SBU Stanbic Uganda Holdings Limited 2,354.68B 46.00 - 1,197.20B 6 KA Kenya Airways Plc 887.31B 608.00 - 5,600.35B 7 BATU British American Tobacco Uganda Limited 736.20B 15,000.0 - 42.48B 8 UMEM Umeme Limited 673.91B 415.00 - 2,272.49B 9 JHL Jubilee Holdings Limited 422.40B 4,289.00 - 675.15B 10 BOBU Bank of Baroda (Uganda) Limited 337.50B 22.50 1.12% 185.26B 11 QCIL Quality Chemical Industries Limited 306.76B 78.00 - 296.39B 12 CENT Centum Investment Company Plc 269.97B 236.25 - 235.30B 13 DFCU dfcu Limited 172.07B 230.00 - 300.12B 14 NMG Nation Media Group PLC 73.20B 9,060.00 - 194.30B 15 NVL New Vision Printing and Publishing Company Limited 11.63B 152.00 - 80.32B 16 NIC NIC Holdings Limited 10.62B 5.00 - 37.12B 17 UCL Uganda Clays Limited 7.20B 8.00 - 32.47B