Uganda Securities Exchange Stocks

A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Uganda Securities Exchange. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Ugandan shilling (UGX).

17 Stocks

No. Symbol Company Name Market Cap Stock Price % Change Revenue
1MTNUMTN Uganda Limited6,118.93B273.300.57%3,053.23B
2EBLEquity Group Holdings Plc5,218.70B1,069.00-4,365.67B
3EABLEast African Breweries PLC4,132.29B4,053.00-3,580.96B
4KCBKCB Group PLC4,069.84B1,503.12-4,455.02B
5SBUStanbic Uganda Holdings Limited2,354.68B46.00-1,197.20B
6KAKenya Airways Plc887.31B608.00-5,600.35B
7BATUBritish American Tobacco Uganda Limited736.20B15,000.0-42.48B
8UMEMUmeme Limited673.91B415.00-2,272.49B
9JHLJubilee Holdings Limited422.40B4,289.00-675.15B
10BOBUBank of Baroda (Uganda) Limited337.50B22.501.12%185.26B
11QCILQuality Chemical Industries Limited306.76B78.00-296.39B
12CENTCentum Investment Company Plc269.97B236.25-235.30B
13DFCUdfcu Limited172.07B230.00-300.12B
14NMGNation Media Group PLC73.20B9,060.00-194.30B
15NVLNew Vision Printing and Publishing Company Limited11.63B152.00-80.32B
16NICNIC Holdings Limited10.62B5.00-37.12B
17UCLUganda Clays Limited7.20B8.00-32.47B