CSOP Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Daily (-2x) Inverse Product (HKG:7588)

Hong Kong flag Hong Kong · Delayed Price · Currency is HKD
-0.002 (-0.10%)
Mar 3, 2025, 3:59 PM HKT
Assets 52.33M
Expense Ratio 3.00%
PE Ratio n/a
Dividend (ttm) n/a
Dividend Yield n/a
Ex-Dividend Date n/a
Payout Frequency n/a
Payout Ratio n/a
1-Year Return -63.24%
Volume 18,906,500
Open 2.044
Previous Close 2.040
Day's Range 1.960 - 2.066
52-Week Low 1.828
52-Week High 6.100
Beta -1.93
Holdings 3
Inception Date Mar 14, 2017

About 7588

CSOP Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Daily (-2x) Inverse Product is an exchange traded fund launched and managed by CSOP Asset Management Limited. It invests in the public equity markets of China. The fund takes short positions and uses derivatives such as futures to invest in the stocks of companies operating across diversified sectors. It invests in the stocks of companies across all market capitalizations. The fund seeks to track twice the inverse of the daily performance of the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index. CSOP Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Daily (-2x) Inverse Product was formed on March 14, 2017 and is domiciled in Hong Kong.

Asset Class Equity
Category Large Cap
Stock Exchange Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Ticker Symbol 7588
Provider CSOP
Index Tracked Hang Seng China Enterprises


7588 had a total return of -63.24% in the past year. Since the fund's inception, the average annual return has been -14.59%, including dividends.

Top 10 Holdings

100.00% of assets
Name Symbol Weight
Cash n/a 90.66%
CSOP Hong Kong Dollar Money Market ETF 3053 10.04%
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Future Mar 25 n/a -0.70%
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