HDFC Nifty Smallcap 250 ETF (NSE:HDFCSML250)

India flag India · Delayed Price · Currency is INR
-0.73 (-0.51%)
Mar 11, 2025, 9:15 AM IST
Assets n/a
Expense Ratio 0.20%
PE Ratio 23.47
Dividend (ttm) n/a
Dividend Yield n/a
Ex-Dividend Date n/a
Payout Frequency n/a
Payout Ratio n/a
1-Year Return -4.02%
Volume 140,107
Open 143.07
Previous Close 143.79
Day's Range 140.71 - 143.80
52-Week Low 135.27
52-Week High 188.40
Beta n/a
Holdings 252
Inception Date Feb 15, 2023

About HDFCSML250

543775.BO was created on 2023-02-15 by HDFC. The fund's investment portfolio concentrates primarily on small cap equity. To generate returns that are commensurate (before fees and expenses) with the performance of the NIFTY Smallcap 250 Index, subject to tracking error. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.

Asset Class Equity
Category Small Cap
Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange of India
Ticker Symbol HDFCSML250
Provider HDFC
Index Tracked Nifty Smallcap 250 Index - INR - Indian Rupee - Benchmark TR Gross


HDFCSML250 had a total return of -4.02% in the past year. Since the fund's inception, the average annual return has been 24.72%, including dividends.

Top 10 Holdings

12.41% of assets
Name Symbol Weight
Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited MCX 1.66%
Blue Star Limited BLUESTARCO 1.34%
Central Depository Services (India) Limited CDSL 1.33%
Laurus Labs Limited LAURUSLABS 1.31%
Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Limited CROMPTON 1.26%
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited GLENMARK 1.25%
360 One Wam Limited 360ONE 1.12%
The Karur Vysya Bank Limited KARURVYSYA 1.07%
GE Vernova T&D India Limited GVT&D 1.04%
National Aluminium Company Limited NATIONALUM 1.03%
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