Squarespace, Inc. (SQSP)
Oct 17, 2024 - SQSP was delisted (reason: acquired by Permira)
-0.10 (-0.21%)
Inactive · Last trade price on Oct 16, 2024

Squarespace Business Metrics

Period Ending Jun 30, 2024Mar 31, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023Mar 31, 2023Dec 31, 2022Sep 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022Mar 30, 2022Dec 31, 2021
1.20B 1.14B 1.08B 1.02B 979.62M 943.40M 906.06M 875.49M
Bookings Growth
22.38% 20.33% 18.66% 16.64% 14.45% 11.96% 11.44% -
6.39B 6.33B 6.21B 6.11B 6.03B 6.02B 6.06B 6.24B
GPV Growth
6.04% 5.13% 2.53% -2.05% -2.91% -1.83% 4.79% -
- - - 225.16M 225.16M 225.16M 225.16M -
5.20M 4.91M 4.63M 4.40M 4.31M 4.26M 4.20M 4.18M
Subscriptions Growth
20.79% 15.20% 10.16% 5.29% 2.94% 2.48% 2.89% -

Revenue Breakdown

Period Ending Jun 30, 2024Mar 31, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023Mar 31, 2023Dec 31, 2022Sep 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022Mar 30, 2022Dec 31, 2021
Annual Run Rate Revenue
1.18B 1.12B 1.11B 1.01B 980.84M 990.53M 931.71M 861.40M
Annual Run Rate Revenue Growth
20.25% 12.84% 18.68% 17.66% 17.08% 13.98% 11.56% -
Average Revenue Per Unique Subscription
225.24 226.63 228.02 226.05 219.40 212.76 219.16 206.38 -
Average Revenue Per Unique Subscription Growth
2.66% 6.52% 4.04% 9.53% 7.46% 4.20% - - -
Commerce Revenue
321.61M 315.71M 308.01M 297.69M 287.78M 278.46M 269.67M 261.89M
Commerce Revenue Growth
11.75% 13.38% 14.22% 13.67% 13.30% 12.94% 17.50% -
Presence Revenue
784.15M 740.85M 704.35M 666.78M 637.32M 611.76M 597.30M 589.69M
Presence Revenue Growth
23.04% 21.10% 17.92% 13.07% 9.72% 7.03% 7.71% -

Expense Categories

Period Ending Jun 30, 2024Mar 31, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023Mar 31, 2023Dec 31, 2022Sep 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022Mar 30, 2022Dec 31, 2021
General and Administrative
135.77M 127.81M 129.33M 137.35M 139.70M 144.77M 167.41M 161.08M
General and Administrative Growth
-2.81% -11.72% -22.75% -14.73% -9.67% -64.11% -54.50% -
Research and Development
258.86M 250.46M 242.19M 237.30M 231.12M 228.54M 227.30M 221.15M
Research and Development Growth
12.00% 9.59% 6.55% 7.30% 7.20% 11.11% 19.40% -
Marketing and Sales
378.34M 365.38M 349.51M 324.16M 317.39M 310.82M 322.05M 346.86M
Marketing and Sales Growth
19.21% 17.55% 8.53% -6.55% -10.08% -12.45% -5.30% -
Source: Business metrics provided by Main Street Data and sourced from official company press releases and documents.