YieldMax ETFs

YieldMax has 44 ETFs listed with a total of 9.18 billion in assets under management, which makes YieldMax the 38th biggest ETF provider on the U.S. stock market. The funds have an average expense ratio of 1.17%.

Listed Funds
Total Assets
Average Assets
Average Cost
Dividend Yield
1Y Return

44 ETFs

Symbol Fund Name Assets Div. Yield Exp. Ratio Change 1Y
MSTYYieldMax MSTR Option Income Strategy ETF2.33B142.02%0.99%-38.66%
NVDYYieldMax NVDA Option Income Strategy ETF1.40B102.37%1.01%-41.69%
CONYYieldMax COIN Option Income Strategy ETF945.43M194.37%1.22%-68.14%
TSLYYieldMax TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF882.31M114.05%1.01%-43.73%
YMAXYieldMax Universe Fund of Option Income ETFs743.46M57.30%1.28%-32.43%
YMAGYieldMax Magnificent 7 Fund of Option Income ETFs307.93M47.14%1.12%-22.78%
AMZYYieldMax AMZN Option Income Strategy ETF256.44M51.56%1.17%-27.39%
ULTYYieldMax Ultra Option Income Strategy ETF227.34M155.98%1.30%-61.82%
FBYYieldMax META Option Income Strategy ETF159.20M47.35%1.06%-23.33%
AMDYYieldMax AMD Option Income Strategy ETF153.42M83.68%1.23%-56.87%
PLTYYieldMax PLTR Option Income Strategy ETF140.54M26.26%1.44%-
APLYYieldMax AAPL Option Income Strategy ETF122.33M29.70%1.06%-11.17%
MSFOYieldMax MSFT Option Income Strategy ETF121.35M30.83%1.01%-28.69%
SMCYYieldMax SMCI Option Income Strategy ETF117.11M65.13%0.99%-
GOOYYieldMax GOOGL Option Income Strategy ETF114.15M41.29%1.20%-25.32%
YBITYieldMax Bitcoin Option Income Strategy ETF113.05M89.99%4.76%-
NFLYYieldMax NFLX Option Income Strategy ETF109.84M42.42%0.99%-7.29%
AIYYYieldMax AI Option Income Strategy ETF84.21M126.62%1.67%-64.91%
MRNYYieldMax MRNA Option Income Strategy ETF81.06M168.78%0.99%-83.37%
LFGYYieldMax Crypto Industry & Tech Portfolio Option Income ETF72.87M12.60%0.99%-
SQYYieldMax SQ Option Income Strategy ETF65.57M88.26%1.01%-51.42%
OARKYieldMax Innovation Option Income Strategy ETF62.33M50.76%1.00%-35.23%
GDXYYieldMax Gold Miners Option Income Strategy ETF60.89M29.32%1.08%-
XOMOYieldMax XOM Option Income Strategy ETF55.89M25.82%1.01%-19.93%
PYPYYieldMax PYPL Option Income Strategy ETF55.76M58.67%1.01%-26.42%
SNOYYieldMax SNOW Option Income Strategy ETF50.44M50.51%0.99%-
BABOYieldMax BABA Option Income Strategy ETF49.12M30.96%1.07%-
JPMOYieldMax JPM Option Income Strategy ETF48.02M28.38%1.19%-20.81%
TSMYYieldMax TSM Option Income Strategy ETF44.86M33.86%0.99%-
FIATYieldMax Short COIN Option Income Strategy ETF42.78M95.34%1.00%-
MAROYieldMax MARA Option Income Strategy ETF38.39M24.18%0.99%-
DISOYieldMax DIS Option Income Strategy ETF35.52M39.24%1.32%-34.19%
CRSHYieldMax Short TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF31.18M114.18%1.14%-
ABNYYieldMax ABNB Option Income Strategy ETF30.46M31.92%1.06%-
GPTYYieldMax AI & Tech Portfolio Option Income ETF21.75M5.01%0.99%-
FEATYieldMax Dorsey Wright Featured 5 Income ETF16.05M12.93%1.28%-
DIPSYieldMax Short NVDA Option Income Strategy ETF11.66M38.36%0.99%-
FIVYYieldMax Dorsey Wright Hybrid 5 Income ETF10.86M9.28%0.88%-
YQQQYieldMax Short N100 Option Income Strategy ETF10.52M14.42%0.99%-
SDTYYieldMax S&P 500 0DTE Covered Call Strategy ETF9.21M2.39%1.01%-
QDTYYieldMax Nasdaq 100 0DTE Covered Call Strategy ETF5.64M2.26%0.99%-
CVNYYieldMax CVNA Option Income Strategy ETF5.29M-0.99%-
RDTYYieldMax R2000 0DTE Covered Strategy ETF4.90M0.64%1.01%-
SOXYYieldMax Target 12 Semiconductor Option Income ETF4.56M3.26%0.99%-