Tunis Stock Exchange Stocks
A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Tunis Stock Exchange. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Values are in Tunisian dinar (TND).
65 Stocks
No. | Symbol | Company Name | Market Cap | Stock Price | % Change | Revenue |
1 | BIAT | Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie Société anonyme | 3.82B | 93.60 | 0.21% | 1.25B |
2 | SFBT | Société de Fabrication des Boissons de Tunisie Société Anonyme | 3.16B | 11.78 | -0.17% | 1.38B |
3 | TJARI | Banque Attijari de Tunisie Société anonyme | 2.14B | 50.90 | - | 685.12M |
4 | PGH | Poulina Group Holding S.A. | 1.58B | 8.75 | -0.57% | 3.41B |
5 | BT | Banque de Tunisie Société anonyme | 1.38B | 5.10 | 0.20% | 459.65M |
6 | AB | Amen Bank Société anonyme | 1.25B | 35.80 | 0.03% | 479.07M |
7 | DH | Délice Holding SA | 880.16M | 16.03 | -0.68% | 1.39B |
8 | SAH | Société d'Articles Hygiéniques Société Anonyme | 848.56M | 10.10 | -0.10% | 911.05M |
9 | UIB | Union Internationale de Banques Société anonyme | 777.95M | 22.51 | - | 480.15M |
10 | OTH | One Tech Holding S.A. | 754.96M | 9.43 | - | 1.05B |
11 | CC | Carthage Cement SA | 745.67M | 2.17 | 0.46% | 444.43M |
12 | BH | BH Bank Société anonyme | 598.81M | 12.58 | - | 543.10M |
13 | BNA | - | 507.76M | 8.00 | - | 835.17M |
14 | SOTUV | - | 496.18M | 12.83 | -0.08% | 262.55M |
15 | STB | - | 447.54M | 2.90 | -1.02% | 486.59M |
16 | UBCI | - | 430.03M | 21.50 | - | 295.55M |
17 | STAR | Société Tunisienne d'Assurances et de Réassurances | 408.42M | 176.98 | -0.01% | 457.80M |
18 | ATB | Arab Tunisian Bank | 364.80M | 2.88 | -0.35% | 270.23M |
19 | NAKL | Ennakl Automobiles S.A. | 327.00M | 10.90 | 0.09% | 714.91M |
20 | TPR | Tunisie Profilés Aluminium Société Anonyme | 316.00M | 6.32 | -0.47% | 280.21M |
21 | ARTES | Automobile Réseau Tunisien et Services S.A. | 305.24M | 7.98 | - | 190.95M |
22 | WIFAK | Wifack International Bank Société anonyme | 261.00M | 8.70 | -0.23% | 54.97M |
23 | CITY | City Cars S.A. | 227.22M | 12.79 | - | 375.04M |
24 | UMED | Unité de Fabrication des Médicaments S.A | 225.60M | 7.05 | - | 141.07M |
25 | AMI | Assurances Multirisques Ittihad | 204.50M | 2.34 | 2.18% | 203.29M |
26 | ICF | Les industries Chimiques du Fluor SA | 200.97M | 95.80 | - | 139.40M |
27 | TLS | Tunisie Leasing & Factoring Société anonyme | 188.46M | 17.45 | -3.06% | 273.70M |
28 | CIL | Compagnie Internationale de Leasing S.A. | 167.87M | 24.98 | -0.08% | 44.00M |
29 | AL | Air Liquide Tunisie SA | 163.75M | 100.00 | - | 131.35M |
30 | TRE | Société Tunisienne de Réassurance | 157.65M | 8.00 | - | 55.80M |
31 | AMV | Assurances Maghrebia Vie S.A. | 154.75M | 6.19 | - | 329.97M |
32 | STPAP | Société Tunisienne Industrielle du Papier et du Carton | 150.78M | 5.35 | 0.94% | 159.39M |
33 | LNDOR | Land'Or Société Anonyme | 144.44M | 10.50 | - | 255.38M |
34 | ATL | Arab Tunisian Lease S.A. | 135.53M | 4.17 | -0.71% | 88.89M |
35 | BHASS | BH Assurance | 130.34M | 49.00 | - | 168.30M |
36 | SMART | SMART Tunisie SA | 129.06M | 13.48 | -3.92% | - |
37 | MPBS | Manufacture De Panneaux Bois Du Sud | 122.36M | 11.84 | -0.34% | 17.46B |
38 | ECYCL | Euro-Cycles S.A | 116.24M | 12.00 | - | 114.31M |
39 | MAG | Societe Magasin General S.A. | 115.39M | 7.01 | - | 1.10B |
40 | MNP | Société Nouvelle Maison de la Ville de Tunis | 93.78M | 3.70 | - | 724.55M |
41 | MGR | Société Tunisienne des Marchés de Gros S.A. | 83.29M | 6.31 | - | 17.73M |
42 | TLNET | Telnet Holding SA | 77.64M | 6.40 | - | 64.55M |
43 | HL | Hannibal Lease SA | 76.48M | 7.00 | -0.71% | 55.00M |
44 | TGH | Tawasol Group Holding SA | 71.28M | 0.67 | - | 97.03M |
45 | ALKIM | Société Chimique ALKIMIA S.A. | 69.47M | 17.60 | - | 188.93M |
46 | STPIL | La Société de Transport des Hydrocarbures par Pipelines SOTRAPIL SA | 62.28M | 15.20 | - | 14.23M |
47 | SIAME | Société Industrielle d'Appareillage et de Matériels Electriques | 53.28M | 3.45 | -1.15% | 66.32M |
48 | TJL | Attijari Leasing S.A. | 52.25M | 19.00 | - | 68.35M |
49 | SIMPAR | Société Immobilière et de participations Société Anonyme | 39.49M | 35.90 | 4.36% | 44.21M |
50 | TAIR | Société Tunisienne de l'Air S.A. | 39.29M | 0.37 | -5.13% | 1.87B |
51 | SAM | Société Atelier du Meuble Intérieurs SA | 32.54M | 5.85 | - | 28.71M |
52 | SOTET | Société Tunisienne d'Entreprises de Télécommunications S.A. | 31.76M | 6.85 | - | 73.94M |
53 | SITS | Société Immobilière Tunisio Saoudienne | 29.64M | 1.90 | - | 8.69M |
54 | BHL | BH Leasing Société Anonyme | 27.30M | 3.90 | - | 13.47M |
55 | NBL | New Body Line Société Anonyme | 19.76M | 4.65 | 0.65% | 11.01M |
56 | SCB | Les Ciments de Bizerte | 18.94M | 0.43 | -2.27% | 62.73M |
57 | PLAST | Office Plast SA | 18.91M | 1.29 | 4.03% | 32.49M |
58 | UADH | Universal Auto Distributors Holding | 17.37M | 0.47 | 6.82% | 419.50M |
59 | SOMOC | Société Moderne de Céramique | 16.67M | 0.41 | - | 113.22M |
60 | ASSAD | L'Accumulateur Tunisien Assad SA | 16.56M | 0.69 | - | 117.58M |
61 | STIP | Société Tunisienne des Industries de Pneumatiques SA | 12.19M | 2.92 | - | 138.29M |
62 | CELL | Cellcom Société Anonyme | 10.26M | 2.30 | 0.44% | 62.51M |
63 | SIPHA | Société des Industries Pharmaceutiques de Tunisie - S.A. | 7.92M | 4.45 | -16.04% | 20.23M |
64 | STS | Société Tunisienne du Sucre SA | 7.90M | 11.62 | - | 31.58M |
65 | AETEC | Advanced e-Technologies S.A | 444.67K | 0.20 | - | 1.43M |