CTT - Correios De Portugal, S.A. (ELI:CTT)
-0.20 (-2.60%)
Mar 31, 2025, 4:35 PM WET
ELI:CTT Market Cap
ELI:CTT has a market cap or net worth of €1.01 billion as of March 31, 2025. Its market cap has increased by 71.89% in one year.
Market Cap
Enterprise Value
PE Ratio
Stock Price
Market Cap Chart
Since December 5, 2013, ELI:CTT's market cap has increased from 831.00M to 1.01B, an increase of 21.20%. That is a compound annual growth rate of 1.71%.
Market Cap History
Market Capitalization
Market capitalization, also called net worth, is the total value of all of a company's outstanding shares. It is calculated by multiplying the stock price by the number of shares outstanding.
Formula: Market Cap = Stock Price * Shares Outstanding
Full DefinitionRelated Stocks
Company | Market Cap |
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Martifer SGPS | 183.83M |
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Farminveste, S.G.P.S. | 22.80M |
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