MediaZen, Inc. (KOSDAQ: 279600)
South Korea
· Delayed Price · Currency is KRW
0.00 (0.00%)
Dec 20, 2024, 9:00 AM KST
MediaZen Cash Flow Statement
Financials in millions KRW. Fiscal year is January - December.
Millions KRW. Fiscal year is Jan - Dec.
| FY 2019 | FY 2018 |
Dec '19 Dec 31, 2019 | Dec '19 Dec 31, 2019 | Dec '18 Dec 31, 2018 |
Net Income | -549.93 | -549.93 | -532.69 |
Depreciation & Amortization | 271.59 | 271.59 | 230.48 |
Loss (Gain) From Sale of Assets | 0.43 | 0.43 | 13.51 |
Loss (Gain) From Sale of Investments | -4.2 | -4.2 | -2.08 |
Provision & Write-off of Bad Debts | 9.26 | 9.26 | -9.83 |
Other Operating Activities | 563.24 | 563.24 | 1,142 |
Change in Accounts Receivable | -328.11 | -328.11 | 1,069 |
Change in Inventory | 19.89 | 19.89 | -19.89 |
Change in Accounts Payable | 915.39 | 915.39 | - |
Change in Other Net Operating Assets | -1,890 | -1,890 | -1,056 |
Operating Cash Flow | -992.85 | -992.85 | 834.22 |
Capital Expenditures | -4,721 | -4,721 | -254.28 |
Sale of Property, Plant & Equipment | 11.05 | 11.05 | - |
Sale (Purchase) of Intangibles | -10.67 | -10.67 | -55.12 |
Investment in Securities | -6,215 | -6,215 | 35.9 |
Other Investing Activities | 146.53 | 146.53 | -70.31 |
Investing Cash Flow | -10,789 | -10,789 | -343.8 |
Short-Term Debt Issued | 2,393 | 2,393 | - |
Long-Term Debt Issued | 3,602 | 3,602 | - |
Total Debt Issued | 5,995 | 5,995 | - |
Short-Term Debt Repaid | -2,393 | -2,393 | - |
Long-Term Debt Repaid | -50.46 | -50.46 | - |
Total Debt Repaid | -2,444 | -2,444 | - |
Net Debt Issued (Repaid) | 3,551 | 3,551 | - |
Issuance of Common Stock | 9,785 | 9,785 | 70.48 |
Financing Cash Flow | 13,336 | 13,336 | 70.48 |
Foreign Exchange Rate Adjustments | -18.05 | -18.05 | -8.09 |
Net Cash Flow | 1,536 | 1,536 | 552.81 |
Free Cash Flow | -5,714 | -5,714 | 579.94 |
Free Cash Flow Margin | -41.32% | -41.32% | 4.33% |
Free Cash Flow Per Share | -1479.82 | -1479.82 | 194.77 |
Cash Interest Paid | 135.69 | 135.69 | 92.24 |
Cash Income Tax Paid | -6.76 | -6.76 | 21.84 |
Levered Free Cash Flow | -4,661 | -4,661 | - |
Unlevered Free Cash Flow | -4,647 | -4,647 | - |
Change in Net Working Capital | -276.13 | -276.13 | - |
Source: S&P Capital IQ. Standard template.
Financial Sources.