Axis AMC Ltd. - Axis Mutual Fund - Axis Silver ETF (NSE:AXISILVER)

India flag India · Delayed Price · Currency is INR
+1.92 (2.04%)
Feb 5, 2025, 9:15 AM IST
Assets n/a
Expense Ratio n/a
PE Ratio n/a
Dividend (ttm) n/a
Dividend Yield n/a
Ex-Dividend Date n/a
Payout Frequency n/a
Payout Ratio n/a
1-Year Return +32.81%
Volume 77,006
Open 94.95
Previous Close 94.30
Day's Range 94.72 - 96.39
52-Week Low 70.25
52-Week High 103.18
Beta n/a
Holdings n/a
Inception Date Sep 21, 2022


AXISILVER.NS was created on 2022-09-21 by Axis. The fund's investment portfolio concentrates primarily on silver commodities. To generate returns that are in line with the performance of phyisical silver in domestic prices, subject to traking error. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.

Asset Class Commodities
Category Silver
Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange of India
Ticker Symbol AXISILVER
Provider Axis
Index Tracked MCX Silver (INR/kg)


AXISILVER had a total return of 32.81% in the past year. Since the fund's inception, the average annual return has been 26.28%, including dividends.