Edelweiss Bharat Bond Exchange Traded Fund, April 2031 (NSE:EBBETF0431)

India flag India · Delayed Price · Currency is INR
+0.96 (0.07%)
Feb 13, 2025, 9:15 AM IST
Assets n/a
Expense Ratio 0.001%
PE Ratio n/a
Dividend (ttm) n/a
Dividend Yield n/a
Ex-Dividend Date n/a
Payout Frequency n/a
Payout Ratio n/a
1-Year Return +9.11%
Volume 2,404
Open 1,301.86
Previous Close 1,303.04
Day's Range 1,301.86 - 1,304.47
52-Week Low 1,193.15
52-Week High 1,316.65
Beta n/a
Holdings 50
Inception Date Jul 17, 2020

About EBBETF0431

543216.BO was created on 2020-07-17 by Edelweiss. The fund's investment portfolio concentrates primarily on investment grade fixed income. The investment objective of the scheme is to track the Nifty BHARAT Bond Index April 2031 by investing in bonds of AAA-rated CPSEs/CPSUs/CPFIs and other Government organizations, subject to tracking errors. However, there is no assurance that the investment

Asset Class Fixed Income
Category Investment Grade
Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange of India
Ticker Symbol EBBETF0431
Provider Edelweiss
Index Tracked Nifty BHARAT Bond Index - April 2031 - INR - Benchmark TR Gross


EBBETF0431 had a total return of 9.11% in the past year. Since the fund's inception, the average annual return has been 6.96%, including dividends.