About COW
iShares Global Agriculture Index ETF is an exchange traded fund launched and managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited. It is co-managed by BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. It invests in public equity markets of global region. It invests in stocks of companies operating across materials, chemicals, fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, industrials, capital goods, machinery, construction machinery and heavy trucks, consumer staples, food, beverage and tobacco, food products, agricultural products, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, grain and field beans, packaged foods and meats, agricultural and farm machinery sectors. The fund invests in growth and value stocks of companies across diversified market capitalization. The fund seeks to track the performance of the Manulife Asset Management Global Agriculture Index, by using full replication technique. iShares Global Agriculture Index ETF was formed on December 19, 2007 and is domiciled in Canada.
Asset Class Equity
Category Theme
Region North America
Stock Exchange Toronto Stock Exchange
Ticker Symbol COW
Provider iShares
Index Tracked Manulife Asset Management Global Agriculture Index - CAD
COW had a total return of 11.42% in the past year. Since the fund's inception, the average
annual return has been 8.53%, including dividends.