About PFIA
Picton Mahoney Fortified Income Alternative Fund is an exchange traded fund launched and managed by Picton Mahoney Asset Management. The fund invests in public equity and fixed income markets of global region. It employs long/short strategy and invests directly, through derivatives such as options, futures, forwards, swaps and through other funds to create its portfolio. For its equity portion, it invests in stocks of companies operating across diversified sectors. The fund invests in growth and value stocks of companies across diversified market capitalization. For its fixed income portion, it invests in high yield bonds, investment grade corporate bonds, government bonds, emerging market bonds, loans, convertible bonds, convertible debentures, short-term debt instruments, distressed debt, collateral loan obligations, mortgage-backed securities, and asset-backed securities. Picton Mahoney Fortified Income Alternative Fund was formed on July 5, 2019 and is domiciled in Canada.
Asset Class Alternatives
Category Multi-strategy
Stock Exchange Toronto Stock Exchange
Ticker Symbol PFIA
Provider Picton Mahoney
PFIA had a total return of 7.11% in the past year. Since the fund's inception, the average
annual return has been 0.17%, including dividends.