Rekor Systems, Inc. (REKR)
NASDAQ: REKR · Real-Time Price · USD
-0.080 (-6.67%)
Mar 6, 2025, 4:00 PM EST - Market closed
Rekor Systems Market Cap
Rekor Systems has a market cap or net worth of $105.08 million as of March 6, 2025. Its market cap has decreased by -51.18% in one year.
Market Cap
Enterprise Value
1-Year Change
Stock Price
Market Cap Chart
Since August 29, 2017, Rekor Systems's market cap has increased from $41.80M to $105.08M, an increase of 151.39%. That is a compound annual growth rate of 13.04%.
Market Capitalization
Market capitalization, also called net worth, is the total value of all of a company's outstanding shares. It is calculated by multiplying the stock price by the number of shares outstanding.
Formula: Market Cap = Stock Price * Shares Outstanding
Full Definition