Domino's Pizza, Inc. (DPZ)
NYSE: DPZ · Real-Time Price · USD
+3.71 (0.90%)
Oct 31, 2024, 4:00 PM EDT - Market closed

Domino's Pizza Revenue by Segment

Period Ending Sep 30, 2024Jun 30, 2024Mar 31, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023Mar 31, 2023Dec 30, 2022Sep 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022Mar 31, 2022Dec 30, 2021Sep 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021Mar 31, 2021Dec 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020Jun 30, 2020Mar 31, 2020Dec 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019Jun 30, 2019Mar 31, 2019Dec 30, 2018
Supply Chain Revenue
2.83B 2.79B 2.75B 2.72B 2.71B 2.74B 2.77B 2.75B
Supply Chain Revenue Growth
4.29% 2.01% -0.70% -1.44% 0.27% 3.50% 6.43% 7.57%
US Royalties and Fees Revenue
636.61M 630.86M 622.55M 604.90M 587.46M 578.04M 566.87M 556.29M
US Royalties and Fees Revenue Growth
8.37% 9.14% 9.82% 8.74% 7.54% 7.25% 5.43% 3.04%
US Franchise Advertising Revenue
493.66M 484.27M 470.77M 473.20M 489.19M 491.85M 491.49M 485.36M
US Franchise Advertising Revenue Growth
0.91% -1.54% -4.22% -2.51% 2.97% 4.76% 3.54% 1.22%
US Company-Owned Stores Revenue
391.38M 388.49M 383.92M 376.18M 375.91M 402.03M 426.84M 445.82M
US Company-Owned Stores Revenue Growth
4.12% -3.37% -10.05% -15.62% -20.04% -13.75% -9.22% -6.93%
International Royalties and Fees Revenue
317.06M 315.57M 312.37M 310.08M 305.51M 299.47M 295.88M 295.04M
International Royalties and Fees Revenue Growth
3.78% 5.38% 5.58% 5.10% 3.99% 0.73% -1.41% -1.02%

Store Count by Type

Period Ending Sep 30, 2024Jun 30, 2024Mar 31, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023Mar 31, 2023Dec 30, 2022Sep 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022Mar 31, 2022Dec 30, 2021Sep 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021Mar 31, 2021Dec 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020Jun 30, 2020Mar 31, 2020Dec 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019Jun 30, 2019Mar 31, 2019Dec 30, 2018
International Store Count
14.07K 14.02K 13.88K 13.74K 13.44K 13.47K 13.30K 13.19K
International Store Count Growth
4.74% 4.11% 4.37% 4.12% 4.34% 6.27% 6.71% 7.37%
US Franchise Store Count
6.64K 6.62K 6.59K 6.57K 6.47K 6.45K 6.42K 6.40K
US Franchise Store Count Growth
2.55% 2.61% 2.52% 2.59% 3.73% 3.72% 3.65% 3.48%
US Company-Owned Store Count
291.00 289.00 289.00 288.00 288.00 286.00 285.00 286.00
US Company-Owned Store Count Growth
1.04% 1.05% 1.40% 0.70% -28.36% -28.68% -28.75% -23.73%
Source: Business metrics provided by Main Street Data and sourced from official company press releases and documents.